There are many ways in which we can achieve authentication in our C# applications.
This is why in this article we’ll see seven services that offer authentication and some methods that need more code in order to obtain it.
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based solution that is used as an authentication method and gives access to external and internal resources.
If you’re using multiple Microsoft services, connecting them with Azure AD can be the best choice for you.
When it comes to managing the access of users it lets you decide when, where, and how they can access the information.
Other important features they offer are:
- multi-factor authentication
- passwordless sign-in, and
- audit logs – where you can track the user’s activity.

AWS Cognito
AWS Cognito is also a cloud-based solution that can be used to connect with API Gateway, AppSync, or other services.
One of its main features is the ability to store personal information, like name, email, username, or password which will be stored in the cloud.

Other features include:
- two-factor authentication — where the confirmation email and text messages will automatically be sent to the user by this service,
- out-of-the-box encryption of user’s data,
- easy UI forms for all the important functions needed and
- password recovery.
Okta is an enterprise-grade identity management cloud-based service which offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to managing access.
Centralizing identity and management makes this service highly secure and very appreciated by developers.

Besides security, they also offer features like agile scaling. This makes account management simpler, and accelerated integrations possible, which allows global users to connect.
Auth0 is one of the most known services, which works with a lot of different types of apps, from legacy ones to mobile, web and IoT.
Some of the features that they are most proud of are their single sign-on, universal login, and multi-factor authentication, where you only need to press on the push notification and confirm or deny the request to log in.

When it comes to security, they have a very robust architecture that allows them to adapt quickly.
OneLogin is one of the top Identity and Access Management.
It offers many security features, from security policy enforcement (which is observing the access across the whole app and all the devices) to a multitude of security features – like multi-factor authentication or allowing the company admins to restrict access to applications.

Identity Server4
IdentityServer is middleware that adds the spec-compliant OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 endpoints to an arbitrary ASP.NET Core application.

This supports Single Sign-on – integrations with third-party providers such as Google or Facebook. So it can be customized for your needs.
The support for IdentityServer will be disrupted in November 2022.
After November 2022, the support is converted by Duende IdentityServer which is not free anymore for production use.
ASP.NET Core is an open-source version of ASP.NET that can run on any type of machine (Linux, Windows, macOS) and it was first released in 2016.
This is one of the fastest web frameworks that ever existed and it can handle up to 7M requests per second.

Simple authentication and authorization can be easily achieved in ASP.NET Core using JWT tokens for security (function AddJwtBearer
Using this solution, the database schema needed for authentification is autogenerated and it can be integrated to support role-based authentification.
We can summarize all the information by comparing all of their main features in the table down below:
As you can see, there are a lot of different services and options out there, and it’s important to find the one that fits your needs the best.
Which authentication methods do you prefer and why?